About Book

This book focuses on Software Development using Assurance Driven Design Framework and discusses concepts and techniques that can be applied to effectively design and develop mission critical software systems. It covers critical requirements such as Safety, Security, Availability, and Reliability while developing any critical software system and also talks about requirements analysis, architecture design, module level design, coding and functional validation. This is the first and only book that has provided practical examples on Assurance Driven software design and also covered review of relevant research papers and standards. 

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About Book

This book has provided an introduction to Smart Cities, basic concepts, definition and fundamentals. It has also covered an in-depth details on conceptual framework based on modern architecture using advanced technologies such as IoT, Cloud Computing Platforms, Data Analytics, Cyber Security based on Blockchain Technology, intelligence incorporated through AI and ML for Smart Cities some of the selected Smart Services such as

The Book has nicely covered an impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Smart Cities development, operation and maintenance activities. The book has relevant details on the latest tools and technologies used by Smart Cities to address its real life practical challenges while setting up and maintaining various Smart Services. This book can be considered as one of the best reference books on Smart Cities and will definitely be useful for industrial professionals, research scholars and various stakeholders of Smart Cities for getting in-depth information about Smart Cities and while undertaking further research on Smart Cities and its Smart Services.

Note : Pay Rs. 1000/- (includes Postal charges) using the Scan Code/ UPI ID and send the details over contact Email provided in Footer.